AIMCS Application | Trainee

  • 12/15/2023
  • 02/21/2024


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AIMSC Trainee Application Instruction Overview

Trainee (The Individual) | An individual approved by their employing or sponsoring entity who is preparing to qualify for an ICS position is credentialed as a trainee in that position once any prerequisites are met and the PTB has been initiated. A trainee is eligible for formal, on-the-job training. A Position Candidate will not be assigned as a trainee on an interstate or inter-regional incident or event unless the individual has been identified as a trainee with an initiated PTB.

This guide aims to simplify the application process for the AHIMTA Incident Management Certification. Follow the steps below to ensure a smooth application experience.

Step 1: Understand the Requirements
Familiarize yourself with the qualification criteria and incident competency requirements.

Step 2: Gather Documentation
Collect all relevant training completion certificates or transcripts.
Prepare supporting documentation that proves your qualifications.

Step 3: Initiate the Application
Visit the AHIMTA website and locate the certification section.
Download and fill out the Certification Application form or complete online.
Complete ICS Trainee CV

Step 4: Submit the Application
Attach all required documentation to your application via online form
If there are issues with the file uploads, submit the application via email to

Step 5: Certification Committee Review
Your application will be reviewed by the Certification Committee.

Step 6: Certification Issuance
Upon successful review, you will receive a certificate and letter from AHIMTA.

For more detailed information, refer to the AHIMTA Incident Management Certification System Guide.

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